Frequently Asked Questions

Q.8 What is the quantum of fund release to each State by ADHOC CAMPA?

Ans. The quantum of funds realized to each State CAMPA is regulated by the ADHOC CAMPA as per the directions of the honorable Supreme Court of India. The Honorable Supreme Court of India has allowed release of 10% of amounts deposited in the State CAMPA account subject to an overall ceiling of Rs.1000 crore for all the States put together.

Q.9 What is the accounting procedure of state CAMPA?

Ans. The Accountant General, Himachal Pradesh has laid down that H.P. State CAMPA shall maintain its accounts on the ‘Uniform Format of Accounts’, applicable to autonomous organizations under the State. This accounting procedure is based on the commercial accounting system. Thus, H.P. State CAMPA is required to maintain balance sheets along with the relevant schedule in respect of expenditures and investments undertaken by it.

Q. 10. Are CAMPA Funds auditable? And by whom?

Ans. CAMPA funds are auditable at the State level by the Accountant General of the State.

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(Updated upto 31-12-2014) Official website of the H.P State CAMPA. Content of this website is published & managed by H.P State CAMPA. For any query regarding this website please contact the Web Information Manager
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